Everyone knows the single-use plastic straws take hundreds of years to break down and it is inevitable for your little ones to use straw sometimes, so silicone straws would be a better option as they can be used over and over again after washed. Each set comes with 4 attractive color of straws, 2 straw markers and a brush that fits perfectly inside the straw for cleaning.
Product Size:
• Straws: 9 x 9 x 170 mm / 9 x 9 x 215 mm
• Markers: 23 x 17 x 21 mm (Lucas) / 24 x 18 x 25 mm (Marcus)
• Brush: 6 x 6 x 205 mm
• Straws & markers: food grade silicone rubber
• Brush: 304 stainless steel, nylon
Withstand Temp:
• -20°C to 120°C
• -4°F to 250°F